<Persona 相> 系列作品探讨了数字时代中塑造”虚拟”身份的无限可能。在这样一个时代,人工智能能以其惊人的精确度复制个人的外貌特征。这些肖像作品是艺术家数字身份的流动模拟集。它们虽源自艺术家本人的形象,但每个都有所不同,仿佛是存在于平行维度中的另我,熟悉又陌生。

艺术家用贴纸的形式,把这些‘另我’图像散发到物理世界. 她用一种异化、抽离自我的方式去质疑对身份的认知。

这些身份也以线上货架的形式展现在观众面前, ‘货架’的媒介让观众在浏览不同身份的同时,思考在当前社会环境下,个体对身份的选择和塑造的能力,以及’消费’和’选择’所带来的一种关于自由的超现实幻象。

艺术家盛情邀请观者成为这一场世界实验的一部分. 如果你希望成为 < PERSONA相 > 的散播者,请通过 联系方式 获得贴纸.
你可以加入p3rs0na的iCloud相册, 分享你的纪录.
Persona  dives into the possibility of creating ‘fake’ identities in contemporary time, where AI has the power to replicate personal likenesses with startling accuracy. These portraits present a collection of digital simulacra of the artist’s fluid identity. The algorithmic echoes, while sourced from the artist’s own image, diverges from it, presenting an array of alternate selves, possibly in parallel dimensions, that are familiar yet foreign.

By public displaying these ‘alter egos as stickers, the artist challenge the perception of identity through alienation and detachment of the self.

These persona are presented in the form of a web-shop, allowing the audience to browse through different identities, while contemplating the ability of individuals to choose and shape their own, as well as the contradictory, hyperreal illusion brought by the concepts of consumption and choice.

The artist warmly invites viewers to become a part of the experimental artwork. If you wish to be a propagator, a node in the network, please contact to obtain some PERSONA stickers.

You can also join the p3rs0na iCloud album to share your captures.